Teachers, you might not have to pay for professional learning out of your own pocket.
School and district leaders, there are grants and funding options available to support you with budgeting for professional learning.

Read on to explore ways to pay for courses and other professional learning opportunities.

You can ask your school and district administrators for funding to purchase courses.
If they don't have available funds, there are numerous grants to apply for.
Here are some options:
Ask your principal if they have professional learning funds available to purchase a course for you.
Ask your district-level mathematics specialist or curriculum director if they have professional learning funds available to purchase a course for you.
Apply for a professional learning grant specifically for teachers.
Here are few to consider:

School Leaders:
Consider where you can get creative within your current budget and remember to collaborate with your central office.
There are also many school-based grants you can apply for.
Options within your budget:
Grants to look into:

District Office/Charter Leaders:
Consider innovative ways to work with your general budget as well as specific grants Local Education Agencies (LEAs) have the opportunity to apply for.
Grants administered by the State Board/Office of Education:
Other grants to look into:
Do you know about grants in your state?
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