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Work with Me


Tiya Karaus
Second Grade Teacher
Former Fourth Grade Teacher
and Math Coach
Impactful professional development changes one’s understanding
of teaching and learning.
The time I spent participating in coaching cycles with Shannon Olson was transformative.
With her guidance and support,
I was able to cultivate a
student-centered teaching
practice that honored
the thinking and voices
of the students in my classroom. Shannon guided me through the creation and implementation of launching, exploring, and discussing mathematical tasks
with my students.
With her style of listening intently
and asking thought-provoking questions, Shannon uses her
deep knowledge of pedagogy
to guide educators in making substantial improvements to
their teaching practices.
Shannon is a great
communicator and collaborator.
She matched my teaching goals
with resources and practices
that produced an immediate and lasting impact on my lesson delivery. Simply put, Shannon was
the guide I needed to
help me become the
teacher I wanted to be.

Allison DePiro
Project Manager, CueThinkEF+
Former Elementary Math Specialist and Teacher
Shannon changed the way I
understood and taught math.
As my math coach, she
opened my eyes to the framework
of Launch, Explore, Discuss and
supported me every step of the
way as I transitioned to
Cognitively Guided Instruction.
With Shannon by my side, I felt comfortable putting research into practice by eliciting students’ prior knowledge and creating rich math experiences that required
reasoning and justification.
In addition to classroom instruction, Shannon supported my professional career by encouraging me to present
at a local math conference.
Without Shannon’s expertise and guidance, I wouldn’t have become
a math coach, a presenter at NCTM,
a PAEMST state finalist, or a
Lead Developer of Rich Math Tasks
for the Virginia Department of Education. Shannon is extremely knowledgeable, easy to work with, supportive, and professional. I highly recommend her service to anyone seeking to improve mathematics teaching and learning.

Teri Mattson
Executive Director, UAGC
Former Principal and
District-level Director
I have known and worked closely with Shannon for many years and know of the impact she has had as an educational consultant and leader across Utah. I have found her to be a professional with high ethical standards, a deep commitment to helping educators improve student outcomes, and an unparalleled knowledge of content, instruction, and coaching.
Shannon has a unique ability to listen with genuine intent, to ask thought provoking questions, to create common understanding, and to improve instructional practice. I have been a member of committees she has led and have been amazed as diverse groups of people begin with varied levels of understanding, but end with common goals and desired outcomes that improve practice.
There is no doubt that Shannon’s expertise as a curriculum writer,
a coach, an instructor, and an educational leader impacts every group with which she works.
Those who have worked with her regularly praise her knowledge, her insights, her people skills,
and her outcomes.
I strongly urge anyone seeking an educational consultant to seek out Shannon. She will move mountains!

Jessica Vehar
Fifth Grade
When I think back to the
individuals who most impacted
my philosophy within
the teaching profession,
Shannon Olson is one of
the first to come to mind.
She played a monumental role
in helping to shape my
personal mathematical thinking,
the way I teach math,
and the way I discuss
math instruction with
current and future colleagues.
I distinctly remember
the moment my mindset shifted
around conceptual understanding
and task-based instruction.
Shannon is skilled in
guiding educators while
letting them come to their own realizations and understanding.
I was first introduced to the
Launch, Explore, Discuss
framework by Shannon
several years ago.
Now, teaching
in a new state
across the country,
my current school district
has begun implementing
this same framework.
I am proud to have
learned this from Shannon
several years ago!
She is ahead of the
teaching curve and is an
excellent coach
and mentor
who I continue to
collaborate with when I
need any type of
mathematical guidance.

Linda Hendry
Retired Elementary Math Specialist and Teacher
When I moved into the educational arena of instructional coaching after 30 years in the classroom, I was mentored by Shannon Olson. Not only did she spend time outside of her own coaching responsibilities to strengthen and develop my understanding of how adults learn and progress, but also how children learn and retain mathematical concepts.
Her immense knowledge base and understanding of mathematical curriculum and standards inspired me to build a solid foundation of my own.
I had the opportunity to instruct teachers seeking their math endorsement certification alongside Shannon for several years. Shannon taught me how to plan professional development, how to deliver effective instruction, how to launch successful mathematical tasks, how to allow and support the exploration of new concepts, and how to ask questions that would enrich a group discussion. Shannon’s feedback and goal setting with me as a teacher of teachers enabled me to gain a confidence that I had never possessed. Through her example, instruction, and encouragement, I was able to foster positive relationships with the teachers I taught and mentored.
Shannon Olson knows how to develop and cultivate mathematics learning in adults and children. Her love and passion for mathematics learning inspires all who are fortunate enough to engage in it with her.

Melissa Garber
District-level Math Specialist
and University Instructor
I have had the pleasure
of working with Shannon
in several capacities.
For me, she has been a
math leader, mentor, coach,
and co-facilitator.
Shannon is generous, kind,
and knowledgeable.
She knows and understands elementary mathematics
from individual standards
all the way to big overarching
ideas across grade bands.
She not only has experience
impacting change at the
individual student level,
but also change at
the systemwide level
across an entire state.
She seamlessly facilitates
high-quality, research-based
learning opportunities
with teachers, administrators,
and state leaders.
Her mathematics vision is
clear and she inspires
individuals to grow and
change their practice.
I appreciate the many lessons
I have learned working with
Shannon and the inspiration
she provides.

State-level Mathematics Specialist
Shannon Olson brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the elementary mathematics ecosystem. She is an expert on evidence and research-based elementary mathematics practices and brings with her a unique background that allows her to approach productive change from a systems perspective.
Shannon's expertise and leadership have been fundamental in changing the mathematics culture in each system she has the opportunity to interact with. In addition to her mathematics education expertise,
her leadership style is approachable and she is a master at bringing
diverse stakeholders together
to come to consensus.

Former District-level Superintendent
Shannon Olson’s
unique combination of
successful experiences with
mathematics teaching, curriculum writing,
teacher coaching, and
program administration
have prepared her to offer
evidence-based consulting
from the classroom
to the boardroom.
We have directly
from that expertise
and continue to
reach out to her for

Mathematics Specialist
I had the privilege of working with Shannon as I transitioned from
serving as a teacher and coach
to the position of a district-level mathematics specialist.
She helped me deepen my understanding of the
progressions of mathematics standards across grade levels,
of designing and facilitating
district-wide professional learning,
and of navigating state-level
policy and guidelines
around mathematics.
Her knowledge of
elementary mathematics is comprehensive and her skills
in supporting individuals
and systems are remarkable.